08 Oct 2018

Autonomous Agents

A journey into the decentralized web

We talked about data, API’s, how to link them and even our digital soul. Now comes one of the essential parts that will bring the web to the next level.  As mentioned there will be truly personal assistants that know you, your interests, your friends and even you family. They will automatically gather data for you and enhance it with context and linking it into the new web. They will collect sport statistics, the news that interest you the most, or look through new movies and series and suggest them to you.  They will try to find out what interests you the most and they will improve themselves based upon direct feedback and indirect feedback by things you do in you daily life.  Just imagine a future where you walk through the streets wearing some smart devices that collect where you look at. A autonomous agent might noticed you looked longer than normal at a specific item it might save that information and crawl the web for different variations of that item and suggest shops where you can save the most if you decide to buy it. There is actually not that much difference to what Google, Facebook and Amazon already do nowadays. The thing it comes down again is ownership of that data and the direct feedback loop you have over your agents. You can delete, edit, update or add information whenever and wherever you like. Data is power and because it’s your data you should be the one who decides what happens with it and who has access to it.